Compile Time Troubleshooting
Please check the following on the computer where the problem appears:
- Please verify whether your Windows operating system has pending updates. If so, please ensure that you complete the Windows OS update first then reboot your computer.
- Please make sure that you have the latest service packs and updates for your version of MS Office.
- You may have security permissions that are too low level to save files into or open files from some folders on your computer. Please copy your models to your “My Documents” folder (or any of its subfolders) on your computer and then compile them from there.
Make sure that you have set the target path to the “My Documents” folder or the subfolder your file is located in. - If your workbook has VBA code, please make sure that your workbook VBA code does not contain any syntax errors before compilation. You need to fix all VBA syntax errors before compiling the workbook with XCell Compiler. To detect VBA syntax errors, please open your workbook file in Excel and browse to the Excel VBA editor (Alt+F11), and then follow the path:
VBA Project main menu >> Debug >> Compile VBA Project - Antivirus software may hinder the normal behavior of our product. To ensure that our product is working correctly, please temporarily disable your antivirus software and then compile. If the workbook was compiled successfully after disabling the antivirus then the reason of the problem is a false positive detection from the antivirus. To reduce antivirus false positive detections you need to set a “Work folder” path on the compilation form to the folder where all temporarily files will be created and include the same folder path into the antivirus software exception list.
Also we recommend to add a Windows Temp folder into antivirus exception list. The Windows Temp folder is usually located at the following path “c:\Users\CurrentUserName\AppData\Local\Temp”. - Some third party Excel add-ins may block compilation. We recommend to temporarily uninstall other add-ins, if any are present, to ensure that they do not block compilation.
- If you have OneDrive office files synchronization enabled – it may affect the behavior of XCell Compiler, because the XCell Compiler can only work with files that are located on the local hard-drive disk. To ensure that the option is disabled and the files exist on the local hard-drive disk, you need to temporarily disable the OneDrive office files synchronization in the following way: OneDrive Settings >> Office Tab >> disable “Use Office applications to sync Office files” checkbox. You should also disable the use of the AutoSave feature in the Cloud options through your Excel Options: Excel Options >> Save >> disable “AutoSave files stored in the Cloud by default in Excel” checkbox. You need to restart Excel after conducting these changes to apply the new settings.
If you have tried all above and the problem still persists, then please provide the following information to our support email (
- An xls example which leads to the compilation problem.
- A screenshot of your compilation options.
- A screenshot of the MS Excel About box from the computer where the problem appears.
In order to find the source of the problem we have to reproduce the same situation on our side, without an example provided by you this is impossible.