How to hide Excel on start
The “Hide Excel on start” feature was designed to improve the visual experience in the end-user interface. It is a special feature that allows the user to make all of Excel invisible on start. For this feature you will need to create your own interface in VBA Forms (this interface should be created in VBA code), which will substitute the Excel’s interface.
The “Hide Excel on start” feature does not affect the protection level of the compiled EXE application.
Please download the following examples to find out how the “Hide Excel on start” feature works.
samplevba_he.xls file was compiled with enabled “Hide Excel” option.
samplevba_he.exe for Excel 32 and 64 bit.
zip file with samplevba_he.exe for Excel 32 and 64 bit.
samplevba.exe – file was compiled with the “Hide Excel” option disabled..
You can find the original SampleVBA.xls file in Documents folder >> DoneEx >> Samples sub-folder on your computer disc.
If you take a look at the example you will see that it contains at custom form. When using ‘Hide Excel’, this form will be used instead of the original Excel interface.